Every Dark Desire

By Fiona Zedde

The Desire Series | Book 1
Good girls/Bad girls
Enemies to Lovers Romance
International Setting
Close Quarters
People of Color
Friends & Community

Naomi lives an almost idyllic life in Jamaica. She has a daughter who adores her, a close-knit community that looks out for its own, and paradise as her playground. But she secretly longs for the touch of other women. It is a longing she finally gets to satisfy during a trip into the tourist heart of Jamaica. When she surrenders to the seduction of a compelling stranger, however, she is savagely transformed into Belle, a ruthless beast whose hungers know no bounds.

Now Belle is part of a vampire clan, reveling in an existence that lays bare the dark hungers within every soul. Part of her hates her new world, but another part glories in it and in the explosive sexual connection she shares with the powerful head of the clan. But as magical as her new world is, it also has its dangers. Dangers that threaten the people she loves.

2015 re-release

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Soul Selecta

By Gill McKnight

Fated love? A destiny in the stars? Together for all eternity? It doesn't work like that. At least not without a lot of blood, sweat, and tears behind the scenes where the Soul Selector spins her magical trickery. It is her job is to identify soul mates as they enter this world and somehow get them to fall in love. Aphrodite and all the other gods need this purest love of all. They feed on it.But soul mates are notoriously difficult to work with, and the Soul Selector has just found a particularly stupid pair.

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Shadow Hunt

By L.L. Raand and Others

Midnight Hunters | Book 6

When shadows fill the night, it's hard to tell friend from foe. With young to raise and her Pack under attack, Sylvan, Alpha of the wolf Weres, takes on her greatest challenge when she determines to uncover the faceless enemies known as the Shadow Lords. While her mate Drake struggles to find the link between the deadly Were fever virus and the mutation she carries, Sylvan calls upon her allies among the Vampires and Fae to defeat the secret pact of humans and Praeterns bent on destroying her and those she is bound to safeguard. Liege Jody Gates, Sylvan's ally and heir to a powerful Vampire Clan, must choose between her promise to Sylvan and her duty to Clan when she aligns her forces against the deposed Vampire Regent Francesca. If the battle to come is lost, all the Praetern species will be sentenced to exile in the shadows.

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The Deadening

By Yvonne Heidt

The Sisters of Spirits Trilogy | Book Three

Shade Stewart is a member of the Sisters of Spirits paranormal investigative group and a self-proclaimed necromancer. Renowned for leaving a trail of broken hearts, she walks between darkness and the light, searching to ease the emptiness in her spirit with women and whatever else might ease the pain. After an explosion leaves her in a coma, Shade is trapped in a place between this reality and her nightmares, fighting for her life and her soul.

Raven Sanchez, a fiery generational witch, is the newest member of SOS. Instantly attracted to Shade and the power she possesses, Raven pursues her, ignoring the darkness that surrounds her. Blinded by her desire, she uses her magic in an attempt to win Shade's heart, setting in motion forces beyond her control.

Third in the Sisters of Spirits Trilogy

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Myth & Magic

By Stacia Seaman and Others

Myth, magic, and monsters—the stuff of childhood dreams (or nightmares) and adult fantasies.

Delve into these classic fairy tales retold with a queer twist and surrender to the world of seductive spells and dark temptations.

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Twisted Echoes

By Sheri Lewis Wohl

Reluctant Psychic
Psychological Thriller
Children / Families

Love, loss, and liesechoes from a past that threaten the future. Can a reluctant psychic set things right, or will an angry spirit destroy those she loves the most? Lorna Dutton is ready for something new and a chance to move beyond the numbness of a broken heart. Inheriting her great-aunt's house on the shores of the Pacific Ocean, she embarks on an exciting adventure only to discover things are more complicated than simply starting over. Free spirited Renee Austin makes her feel again while visions and ghosts rock her world. Only when she embraces her newly discovered psychic abilities can she put the ghosts to rest and save the woman who captures her heart.

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Desire at Dawn

By Fiona Zedde

The Desire Series | Book 2

Recently turned from human to vampire, Kylie wants nothing to do with her new life or with the clan that claims her. She certainly wants nothing to do with her mother, Belle, who is completely infatuated with her vampire wife and clan leader.

To escape her unwanted existence, Kylie befriends a human, Olivia, who has been abandoned by her family. But unknown to Kylie, someone is watching her. An enemy has targeted her as the perfect way to destroy her clan. While battling this enemy, Kylie also grapples with the surprising desires she feels for the human. Desires that she'd once seen as wicked and wrong.

Fighting for her life, Kylie must confront both the assassins and the beast within her that would do anything to keep her loved ones safe.

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Vermilion Justice

By Sheri Lewis Wohl

A Spiritus Group Paranormal Romance | Book 4
International Setting

Vampire Riah Preston has made peace with her immortality and uses it, along with the others of the Spiritus Group, to fight evil. She is comfortable with her lengthy past staying right where it isuntil the cousin of her friend and ally, Ivy Hernandez, goes missing. An impromptu trip to Romania takes her back to a land she swore she'd never step foot on again, and when the universe further conspires to send her back in time over five hundred years, everything she's fought so hard for is in jeopardy: her friends, her life, her love. One man holds the key, but can she and the others survive their encounter with him? Or will the very real Vlad Dracula finally spell the end for Riah?

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Sacred Fire

By Tanai Walker


Tinsley Swann is cursed to change into a beast for seven days, every seven years. She keeps her distance from the world, and has more of a relationship with the antique erotic postcards she collects. With the time of her transformation approaching, she finds herself torn between two women. One woman is Sandra, Tinsley's new boss, and the two are having an affair. Sandra glimpses her transformation and is kind, not frightened. The other woman, Leda, bears a striking resemblance to one of Tinsley's turn of the century postcards, and she becomes obsessed with the young woman. Tinsley must choose between these two women and ultimately two factions, one that will save the world, the other with plans to destroy it.

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The Magic Hunt

By L.L. Raand and Others

Midnight Hunters | Book 5

In the aftermath of an assassination attempt, Sylvan Mir, wolf Were Alpha, and her mate Drake McKennan turn their backs on the government that has threatened their survival, vowing to protect their own with primal force, regardless the cost in blood.

After escaping the Vampire dungeons beneath the blood club Nocturne, Fae royal Torren de Brinna petitions Sylvan for sanctuary, setting Sylvan and her allies on a collision course with Francesca, Viceregal of the Eastern Vampire seethe. In the midst of war, Torren finds her heart at risk from a young dominant Were, while Francesca's Vampire enforcer Michel draws one of Sylvan's trusted guards into a web of seduction and danger.

Hunted by human extremists, targeted by the Shadow Lords who fear her growing power, and beset by enemies masquerading as friends, Sylvan leads the Timberwolf Pack to war on two fronts as alliances shift and long-held beliefs are challenged.

A Midnight Hunters novel.

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The Quickening

By Yvonne Heidt

The Sisters of Spirits Trilogy | Book Two

Tiffany Curran has the ability to read places and people by touch, and although it's a gift she uses to help people, it's also a curse that prevents her from having much human contact. She tries to keep life simple, but that all changes when Katerina Volchosky calls in the Sisters of Spirits paranormal team for help.

Kat is tired of reporting about violence in the city and vows this story is her last. She is hoping that S.O.S. can connect with a serial killer's victims to help provide clues. When she meets Tiffany, she dreams of a promise made centuries ago to a flame-haired priestess.

Ancient whispers of curses and witches haunt Tiffany's nightmares, and the closer she and Kat get to the murderer, the louder the whispers get. Worse, Tiffany has a horrific suspicion she might know who the killer is.

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Windigo Thrall

By Cate Culpepper

"The Windigo has a heart of ice."

The legends of an ancient cannibal demon might have been enthralling, but they were folklore. To Jo and Becca, investigating reports of a Windigo is a lively scholarly exercise, and for Grady and Elena, it means a weekend at an idyllic mountain retreat. Only Pat and Maggie can draw on their Native roots to recognize a monster out of Algonquin myth, but only if they unlock the mystery of their shared past. Throw six volatile personalities into a snowbound cabin, beset by a blizzard, and stalked by a monster, and there's no assurance they'll survive the night with their sanity intactor their lives.

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Battle of Forces

By Ali Vali

Genesis Clan | Book 2
Other Worlds
New Orleans 

In book two of the Forces series, Kendal and Piper return to New Orleans, both now immortal. The peace along the Mississippi River is short-lived with the arrival of Kendal's old friends, Morgaine and Lenore. They come with an order from the Genesis Clan for Kendal to return with them to face judgment for mixing the elixir of the sun for Piper without their consent. Their presence, though, wakes the seer the elders have waited centuries for.

The small band of immortals along with Piper's grandparents must work to prepare for what their future holds with the return of one of Kendal's oldest enemies. The battle of forces begins when the new queen of the vampires joins forces with this new threat, both set on destroying not only Kendal, but the woman she loves.

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Pale Wings Protecting

By Lesley Davis

Wings Paranormal Mystery | Book 2
Police / Cops
Federal Agents
Private Investigator

Assigned to partner Detective Daryl Chandler in the investigation of a series of child abductions, Special Agent Blythe Kent is both intrigued by the cases and the woman bringing them to the attention of New York's Deviant Data Unit. Detective Chandler knows she can find every child in her case files. Possessing an almost uncanny sixth sense, and using good old-fashioned detective work, Daryl has been drawn to a wealthy suburb where she believes the children are. With Daryl and Blythe posing as a loving couple desperate to adopt a child of their own, Daryl believes they can draw the kidnapper out and bring all the missing children home. Neither of them is aware that unearthly hands have a stake in the abductions, and that when it comes to facing demons, they are going to need a protector of their own to get everyone home safe and sound.

A Wings paranormal mystery.

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Scarlet Thirst

By Crin Claxton

International Setting
Big City
Friends & Community
Non-Binary Gender
People of Color

One rainy February night, cool butch vampire Rob Perdoni is bowled over by Rani Shah and immediately wants to date her. Rani is tough and gorgeous, just the sort of woman Rob likes. Trouble is, she's human. Rani, on the other hand, doesn't believe vampires exist. But before she can say, Bite me, she's taking a roller-coaster ride from femme on the streets to vampire between the sheets.

But it's not all mysterious counts and moonlit balls. Lurking in the shadows of Rob's vampire world is someone with a grudge. Someone with a very nasty grudge indeed...

Queerer and more hedonistic than the human world, Rani is out of her depth in the vampire world, and up to her pretty neck in secrets and intrigue. When magnetism meets mystique, the road from human to vampire is shorter than you think.

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Scarlet Revenge

By Sheri Lewis Wohl

A Spiritus Group Paranormal Romance | Book 3
Big City

Vampire Victoria "Tory" Grey hides among the books in the Library of Congress where life is safe and simpleuntil a medieval New Testament shows up on her desk. Someone is sending her a terrifying message with a chilling significance only she understands. With no one to turn to, she goes somewhere she hasn't been in centuries...church.

Ex-vampire-hunter turned lay minister, Naomi Rand's midnight services at the National Cathedral cater to preternaturals. Still, she's surprised by the mysterious, lovely vampire who touches her heart. Attraction between them grows, while around them the body count mounts. Calling for help from the Spiritus Group, they struggle to stop a killer before war breaks out between humans and preternaturals. Tory unknowingly holds the key, but will she find it before it's too late? Or will Naomi lose the love she's waited for all her life?

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The Left Hand of Justice

By Jess Faraday

Police / Cops

Starvation and disease haunt the streets of 1820s Paris, while supernatural terror stalks the night. The once-famous police force is a shambles, its elite Bureau of Supernatural Investigations disbanded. Only Detective Inspector Elise Corbeau remains, spared by a shadowy protector for a purpose not even she knows.

When charismatic cult leader Hermine Boucher is kidnapped, all fingers point to her ex-lover, inventor Maria Kalderash. But the further Inspector Corbeau investigates, the more suspects she turns up, until finally, the finger is pointing right back at the Paris Police.

Navigating a web of betrayal, hidden agendas, and shifting alliances, Corbeau must protect the innocent, bring the corrupt to justice, and escape the ever-growing list of people who want to see her at the bottom of the Seine. If she can do it, she just might save her job. And she may even find true love.

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The Lone Hunt

By L.L. Raand and Others

Midnight Hunters | Book 4

A world of violent passions and inhuman hungers explodes as ancient taboos and primal desires collide.

Wolf Were Alpha Sylvan Mir wants nothing more than to keep her pregnant mate Drake safe in their secluded stronghold, deep in the heart of the Adirondack Mountains, but enemies, political and praetern, force her into battle. Sylvan must confront the Vampire Chancellor Francesca, a one-time lover, about her part in a recent attack on Mir Laboratories—a confrontation that will test Sylvan's alliance with the Vampires and lead to war. Francesca's enforcer Michel, with a secret sexual conquest in Sylvan's Pack and a Were centuri—newly-turned Vampire, Lara—under her command, may have divided loyalties, too. Lara, born to fight in service to the Were alpha, finds herself caught between two worlds, belonging to neither, and her unexpected obsession with an enemy Alpha puts ancient loyalties to the test. In a world where humans and praeterns conspire for the ultimate power, violence is a way of life...and death.

A Midnight Hunters novel.

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