The Supernatural Detective

By Crin Claxton

A Supernatural Detective Novel
Private Investigator
International Setting
Amateur Sleuths
Big City
Friends & Community
People of Color

A girl meets girl, girl meets ghosts, funny, fast-paced thriller stretching from the streets of London's theatre-land to the sand dunes of Provincetown.

When Tony Carson wakes to a pretty drag queen perched on her chest of drawers, she thinks she's dreaming. But it's Tony's powers that have awoken, and the ghosts just won't leave her alone.

Struggling with the mystery surrounding the death of her father, attractive herbalist Maya Silva needs Tony more than she knows, and it's not just for her supernatural detecting.

Dark storms are brewing and Tony's about to discover the spirit world can be a very dangerous world indeed...

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Blacker Than Blue

By Rebekah Weatherspoon

Vampire Sorority Sisters | Book 2

The beginning of Cleo Jones's life as a vampire was the end of her relationship with her first love and only submissive, college senior Benny Tarver. Mutual resentment and heartache have kept them apart for the past three years, but their responsibilities to the sisters of Alpha Beta Omega sorority have held them in each other's sights. With graduation looming, Benny knows it is time for her to move on from the sorority and her lingering feelings for Cleo, but when Cleo realizes she may lose Benny forever to a powerful demon, she must put her fears aside to discover if they can find the strength to let go of their pain and accept that the love between them is true.

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The Awakening

By Yvonne Heidt

The Sisters of Spirits Trilogy | Book One
Police / Cops

Sunny Skye, a psychic medium, is the head investigator and founder of Sisters of Spirits, a paranormal society dedicated to helping others understand what they can't see. She is excellent at finding ghosts but finds it difficult to cope in the real world. When she meets Jordan, she is instantly attracted and completely unnerved by the personal demons she carries around with her.

Street tough Jordan Lawson molded herself into what she thinks an excellent cop should be. She trusts only two things: facts and herself. She believes only in the evil that mankind commits and she certainly doesn't believe in ghosts, even when confronted by one.

When spiritualism and jaded skepticism collide, who backs down first?

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Silver Collar

By Gill McKnight

Garoul Series | Book 4

Luc Garoul is outlawed and out of control. The Garouls have set their best hunters after her before she self-destructs and takes the whole pack with her. But will they reach her in time? A more sinister predator has Luc in her crosshairsa hunter as cunning and unforgiving as her prey.

Twenty years ago, Emily Johnston's father drowned in the Silverthread River, and no one in the town of Lost Creek believes it was an accident. For years, Emily has been spying on the Garouls. She has some ideas of her own as to what they really are. Now her chance has come. A lone Garoul has crossed her path, and Emily is determined to avenge her father. Emily is a strong and skilled hunter. And she has a silver collar.

Fourth in the Garoul series.

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Dreaming of Her

By Maggie Morton

Coming Out
Other Worlds

Isa has begun to dream of the most amazing woman—a woman named Lilith with a gorgeous face, an amazing body, and the ability to turn Isa on like no other. But Lilith is just a dream...isn't she?

Lilith is indeed real. She is a sexual Dreammaker, a being who exists solely to bring pleasure to humans while they sleep. And soon, Lilith finds she is falling for Isa, falling hard, something a Dreammaker is never supposed to do. Is there any way they can truly be together, or will their relationship have to remain as it is—just a dream?

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Sometime Yesterday

By Yvonne Heidt

Successful artist Natalie Chambers impulsively buys a Victorian house overlooking the Pacific Ocean after her divorce. Immediately, her dreams are haunted by Sarah and Beth, two lovers from the past and the Dark Man who controlled their lives. When she begins to look for explanations for the things going bump in the night, the only answer she can get from the locals is that several previous owners had fled screaming into the night.

Landscaper Van Easton hasn't had a serious relationship since her partner died. Content to let women and alcohol distract her from her pain, she is surprised at the intensity of emotion that bubbles to the surface after she meets Natalie. Contracted to restore the gardens at Natalie's house, she refuses to believe that the mansion is haunted. Until the ghostly Dark Man follows her home.

It appears he will stop at nothing to keep the new lovers apart, and the violence continues to escalate. Can they solve the mystery that will set Beth and Sarah free and banish the evil presence in the house? Or will the evil echoes of the past destroy them as well?
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Summoning Shadows

By Winter Pennington

A Russo Lussuria Vampire Novel

Epiphany has risen in clan status among the Rosso Lussuria vampires. Declared Elder and Inamorata, to raise a hand against her is to raise a hand against Queen Renata herself.

She has taken Iliaria, the Great Siren Dracule, as her lover and ally, wearing Iliaria's sigil as a sign of their unlikely alliance. While Epiphany bears her mark, Iliaria upholds her oath and hunts one of her ownthe traitor Damokles who seeks to destroy the vampire-kind. Yet Damokles is not the only renegade Dracule who wants to see the fall of the Rosso Lussuria. The Draculian society is split in twothose who seek to protect Azrael's Gift and those who seek to eliminate it.

The Rosso Lussuria face enemies both old and new. Dismantling a reign of impending terror and uniting a clan is not so easily done when those close to you are all too adept at keeping their own council and agendas.

The second Rosso Lussuria Vampire Novel.

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A Question of Ghosts

By Cate Culpepper


Becca Healy always believed she understood the shameful circumstances of her mother's deathuntil the night her mother's spirit whispers a simple message out of the static of a radio: Not true. Becca turns to the terse Dr. Joanne Call, an expert in Electronic Voice Phenomenonghost voicesto unravel the mystery of this decades-old tragedy. Joanne can coax messages out of the silence of the grave, but coping with this feisty, emotional Healy person might be completely beyond her. Together, Becca and Jo must tackle childhood grief, a serial killer, Xena withdrawal, and a growing attraction between the two most mismatched women in Seattle.

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Once Upon a Twilight

By Winter Pennington

Millicent and Malinda Hearthwell couldn't be more different. Though the two sisters have always been close, Millicent is often frustrated by her sister's inability to be what she perceives as mature and realistic. Too often, Malinda surrenders to her impulses, throwing herself thoughtlessly and headlong into flights of reckless fantasy.

On the day before Malinda's wedding, Millicent finds herself dragged yet again on another of her sister's wild and imaginative quests. Convinced that she will beseech the Fey Ones to help her escape the dull world around her and her betrothed, Malinda persuades Millicent into riding out in the forest near their home. When things do not go as planned, Millicent realizes she's lost not only her sister in the deep heart of the forest, but her own way as well.

Just when she thinks she can go on no longer, a strange woman from the forest offers Millicent shelter from the storm. As Millicent comes to better know the generous and beautiful stranger, she begins to wonder if perhaps her sister's far-fetched beliefs might have some merit to them after all, and that maybe, just maybe, fairytales and romance actually do exist beyond a page.
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Dark Wings Descending

By Lesley Davis

Wings Paranormal Mystery | Book 1
Police / Cops
Private Investigator
Big City

Goodness may appear in many forms; evil need only take one.

The Chicago PD Deviant Data Unit specializes in the dark and cruel aspects of criminal behavior. When a serial killer who leaves his victims oddly posed starts terrorizing the city, Detective Rafe Douglas leads the team tasked to find this sadistic killer. Still recovering from severe injuries sustained in the line of duty, Rafe's tenuous hold on what is real is further tested by someone who wants in on the case and won't take no for an answer.

Private Investigator Ashley Scott experiences the world through unveiled eyes. She alone can see that Hell's inhabitants are breaking free from their confines and are bringing their evil to Earth. She believes the killer isn't human and knows she has to convince Rafe there are more things happening in the Windy City than anyone could possibly realize. Only together can they solve the secrets revealed in the killer's brutal slayings.

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By Nell Stark and Others

everafter series | Book 4
In the final installment of the everafter series, Valentine Darrow and Alexa Newland work to rebuild their relationship even as they find themselves at the heart of the struggle that will determine a new world order for vampires and wereshifters. To survive, they must defeat the growing threat posed by Balthasar Brenner, who has been a thorn in the side of the vampire-wereshifter Consortium for centuries.

The search for Brenner leads Val and Alexa deep into the heart of the Alaskan wilderness, where they must confront Brenner's forces and either secure peace between the paranormal races, or die in the attempt.
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Burgundy Betrayal

By Sheri Lewis Wohl

A Spiritus Group Paranormal Romance | Book 2

When truth is buried so deep it can kill, will the love of one woman be enough to save the life of another?

Kara Lynch lives a simple life as a ranger in Washington's Riverside State Park. When dead bodies begin to turn up, her simple life vanishes. Adopted at birth, Kara has no idea her birthright is at the center of the murders and is the sole reason her life hangs in the balance. Help comes in the form of wolf expert, Camille "Cam" Black Wolf. Tall and mysterious, Cam is both a blessing and a curse--it's hard to concentrate on saving hikers when Kara's fighting the urge to run her hands all over Cam's body. With assistance from vampire Riah Preston and her partner Adriana James of the Spiritus Group, they race to stop a preternatural killer. But will the secret they uncover give Kara wings or send her to the grave?

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Night Hunt

By L.L. Raand and Others

Midnight Hunters | Book 3

Niki Kroff has one mission in life—to lead Sylvan Mir's elite guard and protect the wolf Alpha's life. When Lara, another of the centuri, becomes a Vampire in the course of saving Sylvan's life, Niki is assigned to protect her during her transition. Removed from Sylvan's guard, Niki struggles to find her place in the Pack and control her desire for a forbidden Were whose call grows stronger every day.

Sylvan, driven by primal instincts to protect her pregnant mate, grows more powerful, and more deadly, than any Alpha Were in centuries. While Sylvan rallies her allies, Vampire and human, to fight extremists, radical groups, and members of their own Praetern coalition in a war to preserve the autonomy of all Praetern species, Niki fights a private battle with her own dark urges—a battle which, if lost, will cost her everything.

A Midnight Hunters Paranormal Romance.

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Women of the Dark Streets

By Radclyffe and Others

Enter a midnight world of the supernatural—a world of vampires, werewolves, witches, ghosts, and demons. A seductive world limited only by your imagination, full of dark fantasies, hidden desires, and sexy women who rule the night. Edited by award-winning editors Radclyffe and Stacia Seaman, Women of the Dark Streets presents all new tales of the paranormal from your favorite Bold Strokes authors.

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Bloody Claws

By Winter Pennington

Kassandra Lyall Series | Book 3
Holidays |

Yule is a time to celebrate the rebirth of the light, but for Preternatural Private Investigator and Paranormal Huntress Kassandra Lyall, it's about solving yet another series of crimes.

When a couple disappears from their quiet neighborhood home, Detective Arthur Kingfisher brings Kassandra in on the case. Faced with a bloody symbol painted on the couple's bedroom wall, the cops are stumped. That is, until they find a body and their missing person's report becomes a full-blown murder investigation. Kassandra realizes that someone is targeting the pagan community. The investigation brings up some heavy emotions, making it harder for her to play human in front of the law enforcement officers she works with.

In the midst of aiding the police, Kassandra finally finds herself at serious odds with Sheila Morris, the local werewolf pack's Alpha female, when Sheila decides to abuse someone very dear to Kassandra. A certain Alpha has a bone to pick. The question is: Who's going to pick it first?

The Third Book in the Kassandra Lyall Preternatural Investigator Series.

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Better Off Red

By Rebekah Weatherspoon

Vampire Sorority Sisters | Book 1

Every sorority has its secrets...

And college freshman Ginger Carmichael couldn't care less. She has more important things on her mind, like maintaining her perfect GPA. No matter how much she can't stand the idea of the cliques and the matching colors, there's something about the girls of Alpha Beta Omega—their beauty, confidence, and unapologetic sexuality—that draws Ginger in. But once initiation begins, Ginger finds that her pledge is more than a bond of sisterhood, it's a lifelong pact to serve six bloodthirsty demons with a lot more than nutritional needs.

Despite her fears, Ginger falls hard for the immortal queen of this nest, and as the semester draws to a close, she sees that protecting her family from the secret of her forbidden love is much harder than studying for finals.

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Balance of Forces

By Ali Vali

Genesis Clan | Book 1
Other Worlds
New OrleansĀ 

Kendal Richoux's life began during the reign of Egypt's only female pharaoh. After accepting the opportunity to drink the elixir of the sun, Kendal becomes immortal and the Genesis Clan's slayer. History has taught her the dangers of getting too close to anyone who hasn't harnessed the power of time.

After many years, she returns to New Orleans to finish a job she's trained for all her life. It's time for her to face her brother Henri, and it will have dire consequences to mankind if she fails.

Piper Marmande believes Kendal has come to take over the company her family has built over generations. As Kendal prepares for the most important battle of her long life, Piper does her best to uncover every one of Kendal's secrets, making herself a distraction Kendal can't afford as she hunts Henri and Ora, the vampire who seduced him to a life of darkness.

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By Nell Stark and Others

everafter series | Book 3

What happens when you lose the one thing you'd give your life to save?

When Valentine Darrow loses her soul, she embraces her role as one of the vampire elite. As Blood Prime of the clan of the Missionary, Valentine spends her days transforming an old family bank into the financial capital of the Consortium and her nights painting the town red. Blood red.

Alexa Newland believes their everafter to be over. But then a new discovery about an ancient myth kindles her hope that Valentine can be saved. Alexa must trek through the mountains of Argentina to recover a rare flower with mystical powers.

Will Alexa succeed in her quest before Valentine irrevocably crosses over to the darkness?

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