Branded Ann

By Merry Shannon

No pirate on the high seas is more bloodthirsty than the notorious Branded Ann, a woman with eyes like ice and a face marred by a mysterious cross-shaped scar. When she raids a merchant vessel bound for Jamaica, her only objective is to obtain the map that will lead her to a legendary treasure. But she hadn't bargained on taking Violet, the merchant's young widow, on board her ship as a prisoner. In spite of her childlike appearance, Violet has a dark side of her own that Ann finds both infuriating and endearing.

As Branded Ann sails in search of treasure, her task is made more difficult by a stowaway child, an increasingly rebellious crew, and the treacherous seas of the Devil's Triangle; to make matters worse, she finds herself falling for her not-so-innocent but altogether charming captive. But will Violet be able to overcome the demons of her past and accept Ann's love? And will they survive the treasure hunt that has already claimed the lives of so many before them?

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Learning Curve

By Rachel Spangler

Ashton Clarke, a local Casanova with a long history of falling into bed with a different woman every night, is perfectly content with her free and easy existence until she gives in to her best friend's request to spend an evening helping out at the local gay and lesbian youth center. There, Ash meets Carrie Fletcher, a women's studies professor who not only intrigues Ash but causes her to question the direction her life has taken. As if this disquieting attraction isn't aggravating enough, Ash is forced to deal with Carrie's teenage neighbor Tess, whose bad attitude and biting wit seem to complicate every situation. Ash doesn't want to be attracted to Carrie, who isn't looking for a relationship with anyone, and Tess is angry at the world, but especially, it seems, with Ash. Despite resistance on the part of all three women, it soon becomes obvious that the trio's destinies are hopelessly intertwined and the lessons in store will change all their lives.

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Fully Involved

By Erin Dutton

Women in Uniform
First Responders
Children / Families
Holidays |

A love that has smoldered for years ignites when two women and one little boy come together in the aftermath of tragedy.

An early morning hotel fire turns out to be anything but routine, and firefighter Reid Webb's best friend and partner, Jimmy Grant, dies. Guilt-ridden and grieving, Reid feels responsible for her partner's young son, Chase. She would do anything for him, even if that means spending far too much time in the company of the woman she's harbored feelings for since high school. Isabel Grant doesn't know anything about raising children. But when she returns to her hometown to assume custody of her orphaned nephew, she gets a crash course. Isabel's struggle to keep her footing in the midst of chaos is further complicated by her growing attraction to Reid, a woman whom Isabel blames for her brother's death.

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Heart 2 Heart

By Julie Cannon

Women in Uniform
Police / Cops
Medical Romance
Second Chance at Love

When love is more than a matter of the heart...heartbreak may be unavoidable.

In the aftermath of a shattering personal loss, Detective Kyle Bain buries her pain in the routine of fulfilling her professional and family obligations. When she meets Lane Connor, the owner of a popular restaurant on the shores of the Pacific Ocean who is struggling with a broken heart of her own, the chance for happiness suddenly seems possible. As Lane and Kyle take the first tentative steps toward rebuilding their lives and exploring the attraction between them, Kyle makes a shocking discovery about the woman she is coming to love. Can Kyle and Lane find a way to heal the damage that threatens the fragile ties that bind them, heart to heart?

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By Georgia Beers

Second Chance at Love

What happens when you've already given your heart and love finds you again?

Three years after Courtney McAllister loses her partner in a car accident, she's finally trying to move forward. She's even dated halheartedly over the past year, but no one is able to penetrate her emotional barricades until she meets aggressive real estate broker Rachel Hart. Despite Rachel's cool facade, Courtney is drawn to her—when she isn't furious with her. Still, despite an undeniable attraction, Courtney has given her heart once and doesn't have room for that kind of love in her life again. Rachel isn't looking for love, especially not with a woman who belongs to someone else, and taking second place has never been her long suit.

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Queens of Tristaine

By Cate Culpepper

Tristaine Series | Book IV

Tristaine's hard-won peace is shattered when a deadly plague threatens to devastate the Amazon clan. Their only hope for a cure lies in the sinister laboratories of the City Clinic. To save the sisters they love, Jess and Brenna must leave their mountain village and return to the place of their nightmares, the malevolent facility that almost cost them their lives. The danger they face is harrowing, the stakes enormous...and they have precious little time.

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The Crown of Valencia

By Catherine Friend

Kate Vincent Adventures | Book 2

It's tempting to describe the action in The Crown of Valencia, but then we'd reveal spoilers from The Spanish Pearl. Just know that once again, Kate Vincent finds herself in a mess, both romantically and time travel-wise. Romance, betrayal, intrigue, disobedient children, and religious fanaticism pack this tense conclusion to the epic adventure begun in The Spanish Pearl.

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Focus of Desire

By Kim Baldwin

International Setting

There are times when a picture doesn't just say it all—it changes everything.

Isabel Sterling isn't even aware she has been entered in the Sophisticated Women "Watch Your Dreams Come True" contest, so it comes as a complete surprise to learn she has won not only a makeover she doesn't want or need, but also the chance to appear on the cover of a national magazine and an all expense paid trip for two to exotic locales. Photographer Natasha Kashnikova is a cynical celebrity playgirl who is barreling toward full midlife-crisis mode when she agrees to take on the Sophisticated Women shoot as a favor for a friend. Kash is convinced that every woman who shows an interest in her has ulterior motives, so love is not on her agenda—and certainly not with some naive romantic during an assignment from Hell.

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House of Clouds

By KI Thompson

A sweeping saga of an impassioned romance set amidst the upheaval of a nation under siege and a way of life threatened with destruction.

The American Civil War creates enemies of lifelong friends and allies of strangers, but no relationship is more unlikely than that of a passionate Northern Unionist and a loyal Virginia sympathizer. Actress and Northerner Jordan Colfax is hired by Allan Pinkerton to spy on behalf of the Union. When she meets Confederate sympathizer, Laura St. Clair, whose father is military aide to Jefferson Davis, the perfect opportunity presents itself. But when the truth about Jordan's real intentions is discovered, their growing love is put to the ultimate test - the result of which could mean the difference between life and death. Can a Southern belle and a Yankee spy overcome their differences or will divided loyalties keep them apart?

From Tidewater Virginia to Washington, D.C., passion and betrayal converge in Civil War Richmond.

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Winds of Fortune

By Radclyffe

Small Town Romances
Friends & Community
Provincetown Tales | Book 5

The fifth in the saga of the Provincetown Tales.

The winds of fortune are fickle guides...and happiness or heartbreak may be the destination. For Provincetown local Deo Camara, the only winds that have ever blown her way have been cold and lonely, and she doesn't expect things to improve when she is drawn into a family crisis against her will. Despite a decade of estrangement, however, Deo can't turn her back on the call of blood, no matter how high the price in heartache. Dr. Bonita Burgoyne is pleased with the changes she's made in her life...she has a rewarding new job and is looking forward to renovating the historic sea captain's house she has just purchased. She's content, and that's all she needs to be, or so she thinks until she hires Deo to head up the renovations. They have nothing in common except a shared legacy of betrayal by those they'd trusted the most, and an impossible attraction they would both prefer to ignore. Meanwhile, Bonita's new associate Dr. Tory King and her partner, Reese Conlon, must cope with the aftermath of the winds of war and the approaching fury of a very real gathering storm.

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Mistress of the Runes

By Andrews & Austin

Passion ignites between two women with ties to ancient secrets, contemporary mysteries, and a shared quest for the meaning of life.

Brice Chandler, a powerful corporate entertainment executive, is haunted by the feeling that her outwardly glamorous and productive life is completely without meaning—until she meets Liz Chase, an attractive TV anchor, at a fund-raiser. Together they embark on a journey filled with past-life dreams and present-day visions, spirited Icelandic horses that mirror the soul, and ancient runic symbols foretelling a love that transcends all time.

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Sheridan's Fate

By Gun Brooke

Financial gap/Class disparity
Medical Romance
Big City
Workplace Romance

How do you control passion when it breaks all the rules? Lark Mitchell, a physiotherapist, reluctantly agrees to work at the luxurious mansion of Sheridan Ward, head of San Antonio's largest business conglomerate, Ward Industries. Having barely escaped death, Sheridan is now confined to a wheelchair and, furious over her loss of control and powerless for the first time in her life, she makes Lark's job beyond difficult. Despite this, Lark insists that Sheridan fight to recover, even as Lark struggles with unexpected feelings toward her employer that go against every one of her principles. A dynamic, erotic romance between two charismatic women set in the scorching hot days and humid, steamy nights of San Antonio.

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Wall of Silence

By Gabrielle Goldsby

Police / Cops

It should have been an average bust. Minimal trouble. Minimal backup.

When police detective Foster Everett witnesses the unspeakable, average becomes deadly. A cover-up ensues and Foster begins numbing herself with alcohol at a neighborhood bar. There she meets Riley Meideros, the one person strong enough to hear Foster's painful secret and not turn away. But like most secrets, Foster's refuse to stay hidden. And like even the most carefully built walls—walls that Riley effortlessly seems to breach—the barricades surrounding Foster soon begin to crumble. Fearing that she's put Riley in danger and fighting against the powerful attraction growing between them, Foster vows to uncover the truth. But someone is determined to keep the truth buried, even if it means silencing Foster and Riley permanently.

2nd Edition

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Not Single Enough

By Grace Lennox

Police / Cops

A funny, sexy modern romance about two lonely women who bond over the unexpected and fall in love despite their determination to do the opposite.

Giselle was having a bad week, in fact, she was having a bad life. Her ex had finally copped to the affair she'd been having for months and they'd broken up, Giselle had just watched an idiot get the promotion she wanted at work, and her mother had showed up for lunch with a gigolo she is set to marry.

Life gets even more complicated when, after drowning her sorrows at her local bar, Giselle finds a newborn baby in a dumpster a block from her house and decides to keep it. Two days later, after she's being calling in sick to work, her best friend Sandy visits, only to discover a fridge full of baby formula and Giselle reading a book on motherhood.

Sandy has to act but she doesn't want to get Giselle in trouble, so she gets in touch with a friend who can deal with the situation, Detective Dale Porter. Dale has heard it all before. Nothing surprises her and she has no problem with the idea of picking up a dumpster baby, no questions asked, from a rescuer who got "carried away." Only, Giselle seems so distressed when the baby is taken, avowedly single Dale finds herself wanting to make it up to her.

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Rising Storm

By JLee Meyer

In this exciting sequel to First Instinct, Conn Stryker and Leigh Grove have narrowly missed being killed by those whose investment scam they exposed. Still at risk, they flee to a hideaway on the Northern California coast until safety is assured. The pleasures of their new relationship and the promise of what life together could be are shadowed by the need for constant vigilance.

Their pledge to be together is shattered when Conn must try to rescue one of her mothers from a kidnapping in Pakistan. She is the only ransom the kidnappers will accept. When Leigh and Conn are separated, each must face enormous odds to survive and find each other again.

This fast-paced adventure takes our heroines on a dangerous journey from California to Paris and through the deadly streets of Karachi, Pakistan.

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Vulture's Kiss

By Justine Saracen

The IBIS Prophecy | Book Two
International Setting

Valerie Foret—archeologist and heir to a terrifying task—returns in a powerful desert adventure set in Egypt and Jerusalem, in both modern and medieval times.

On the eve of the release of Valerie Foret's great chronicle, Valerie learns that hers is not the 100th generation of the prophecy at all. In grappling with a mysterious and lethal opponent, Valerie witnesses the horrors of the first Crusade in which her ancestors, both innocent and malevolent, have carried out a drama identical to her own. The weapon that succeeded then and now threatens once again is the terrible power of faith. Will the outcome be the same?

In the course of fleeing the forces of violent fundamentalism, Valerie, a westerner, and Najya Khoury, an Arab-Israeli, fall in love and find out just how dangerous it is to challenge accepted "truth."

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Hearts Aflame

By Ronica Black


Sometimes the key to love is not in the destination, but in the journey.

Real-estate guru Krista Wyler is soon at the mercy of more than just the Arizona desert when she learns she has inherited her family's business, Wyler Ranch. Her aunt is dying and her uncle is no longer capable of making decisions. Krista reluctantly takes the helm, but only temporarilyshe plans to sell the ranch as soon as possible. Rae Jarrett, the alluring vet who has cared for the ranch as well as the horses, objects and offers her aid.

Krista resists the offer of help as well as her attraction to the mysterious vet, but instead decides instead to turn the ranch into a dude ranch. Soon city folk are knocking at the door ready to pay for the privilege of herding the Wyler cattle across Arizona. It seems fail proof winner until Krista herself, along with Rae, has to set out on the trail with her charges.

The journey leads to a life-changing adventure neither woman could have foreseen and will never forget.

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Second Season

By Ali Vali

Financial gap/Class disparity
Second Chance at Love
New Orleans 

As Hurricane Katrina ravages New Orleans, attorney Tully Badeaux's life follows suit when betrayal leads to heartbreak...

Tully Gaston Badeaux might be successful in the courtroom but at home her relationships with her partner, Dr. Jessica Badeaux, and their children are falling apart.

In one life-changing moment precipitated by a spilled cup of coffee, the world Tully had so carefully constructed comes to an end. As Tully struggles to pick up the pieces, two women add to the complications—Dr. Kara Nicolas, the woman who stole her wife, and Libby Dexter, the young woman who moves in to assist Tully with the kids. Kara becomes her focus in the courtroom, and Libby offers more than a helping hand around the house.

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