Precipice of Doubt

By Mardi Alexander and Others

Second Chance at Love
International Setting
Workplace Romance
Small Town Romances
Friends to Lovers Romance

Veterinarian Jodi Bowman has lost confidence in her skills after a series of bad outcomes leave her questioning her every move. Her assistant Cole Jameson offers the support she needs to get back on her feet, and as their mutual affection deepens, Jodi wonders if Cole might not be as straight as she appears. Cole lost everything in a workplace romance once before, and she has no interest in allowing history to repeat itself. But can she resist Jodi, and her own heart?

As wildlife carers Charlie and Pip settle into their new relationship, immigration challenges threaten to tear them apart. When all four women confront the wrath of the Australian wilderness, will love be enough to guide them?

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Dangerous Waters

By Radclyffe

First Responders Series | Book 7
Workplace Romance
Medical Romance
First Responders

Army National Guard Colonel Sawyer Kincaid has served her time dueling with death in the deserts of Africa. Now that she’s home, the only sand she wants to see is on the beach in South Florida. Too bad Tropical Storm Leo, swiftly gaining strength out over the Atlantic, is about to draw her in to another life or death war, this time on home soil.

Dr. Dara Sims has too many critical patients in the intensive care units at Miami Memorial to consider evacuation, no matter how determined the battle-hardened colonel is to make her. As far as Dara is concerned, evacuate is just another word for abandon. When a state of emergency becomes a state of siege waged by Leo, all she can do is hope the rising waters relent before she loses everyone, herself included.


Critical praise for Dangerous Waters:

"Dangerous Waters is a bumpy ride through a devastating time with powerful events and resolute characters. Radclyffe gives us the strong, dedicated women we love to read in a story that keeps us turning pages until the end." —Lambda Literary Review

"Radclyffe's Dangerous Waters has the feel of a tense television drama, as the narrative interchanges between hurricane trackers and first responders. Sawyer and Dara butt heads in the beginning as each moves for some level of control during the storm's approach, and the interference of a lovely television reporter adds an engaging love triangle threat to the sexual tension brewing between them." —RT Book Reviews

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Alerta de Traumatismo

By Radclyffe

¿Quién tiene tiempo para el amor cuando uno pasa la vida luchando la muerte?

Dra. Ali Torveau sabe que tan frágil es la vida…ve muerte y tragedia cada día en la unidad de trauma. Luchando contra las fuerzas oscuras del destino es el trabajo de su vida y no quiere o necesita algo más, definitivamente nada tan temporal como el amor. Muchas mujeres tratan de cambiar su punto de vista, pero nunca se le dificulta decirles que no. Hasta el día que la bombera Beau Cross entra en la sala de urgencias y el mundo de Ali tan cuidadosamente organizado, se enciende. 
Una Novel de Primera Intervención
A Spanish translation of Trauma Alert
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Children of the Healer

By Barbara Ann Wright

A Godfall Novel | Book 3
Space Opera
Other Worlds
People of Color

With the Storm Lord dead, Cordelia Ross and Simon Lazlo return to Gale, to normality, but when they find the populace poisoned by the drushka, it’s clear the aliens must be dealt with before life can be anything near normal. In the north, Patricia Dué takes control of Gale’s mine with Jonah, the servant she created in Dillon Tracey’s old body. She thinks controlling the humans’ only source of metal will bring her power, but her past won’t be banished so easily.

Amidst the chaos and conflict, a prophet predicts that true calamity is still to come, and the only way to stop it may be a murderous widow looking for revenge. As factions splinter and reconnect, the fate of Calamity lies uncertain, and even the prophets can’t see every ripple on the horizon.

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The Road to Wings

By Julie Tizard

Workplace Romance
Women in Uniform

What does it take to earn air force wings? Your heart, your soul, even your very life? Lieutenant Casey Tompkins is starting the most difficult flight training program in the world. She has to face thunderstorms, the death of friends, and male instructors who want to wash her out.

Captain Kathryn Hardesty is the toughest and best instructor pilot on the base and the chief of flight safety. She’s demanding because she knows the price of failure is tragedy and a smoking hole. She looks out for all the students, especially the female ones.

Casey has to learn to fly a supersonic jet, not get killed in the process, and face a growing forbidden attraction. Can she muster the intelligence, courage, and unbreakable determination to become an air force pilot? Does she have what it takes to earn wings, find love, and not crash and burn?

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House of Fate

By Barbara Ann Wright

Bodyguard/Protection Romances
Marriage of Convenience/Fake Relationship
Space Opera
Other Worlds
People of Color

Judit has one duty: to guard the chosen one, he who will unite two warring, star-spanning houses in marriage. Simple, if she wasn’t already in love with the bride-to-be. As far as anyone knows, Annika has been raised to be the perfect bride and future matriarch. Secretly, she’s an assassin ordered to usurp the chosen one’s mind and kill anyone who gets in her way.
When the political landscape shifts, murders and abductions threaten to tear the galaxy apart. Judit and Annika race to uncover the source of the strife. It must be someone powerful and bold enough to risk throwing whole star systems into ruin, someone who could change destinies and bring two lovers together, if they survive.

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To Be Determined

By Mardi Alexander and Others

Friends to Lovers Romance
International Setting
Second Chance at Love
Small Town Romances

Charlie Dickerson is desperate to get away from small-town minds and all the painful reminders of her ex. What better way than to travel halfway around the world? A wildlife rescue exchange program in Australia looks like the perfect solution to her current predicament.

Pip Atkins has an innate affinity for wildlife, but people are another story. When she’s tasked with looking after an American wildlife carer on a work exchange, the thought of someone shadowing her every move for twelve whole months represents the ultimate nightmare.

Worlds apart, but forced together, Charlie and Pip struggle to find a middle ground, as they discover they have more in common than they think.

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Heart Stop

By Radclyffe

First Responders Series | Book 6
Second Chance at Love
Medical Romance
Police / Cops

Jay "Flash" Reynolds has a brilliant future as a trauma surgeon until a truck on a rainy night changes her life. Assistant chief medical examiner Olivia Price is more at ease with the dead than the living—at least the dead never lie. All she needs to do is listen to their stories. What she doesn't need is a surly new resident who would rather be somewhere else.

Two women, one with a damaged body, the other a damaged spirit, challenge each other to dare to live again.

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By Catherine Friend

Jamie Maddox is worried about her grip on reality. Has her consciousness really been transported back to 1560, landing in the body of Blanche Nottingham? Not good, since Blanche, a lady-in-waiting for Queen Elizabeth I, is plotting a murder. The other possibility that Jamie faces? She’s had a psychotic break that has trapped her in an Elizabethan fantasy while another personality—let’s call her Blanche—has taken control of Jamie’s life and is jeopardizing everything.
Jamie is repeatedly zapped back and forth between the present and 1560 (or in and out of that twisted fantasy). Betrayal, murder, thunderstorms, and two doctors complicate everything as Jamie and Blanche battle to control Jamie’s body. Just as Jamie is running out of both hope and time, help—and love—come from a most unexpected place.

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Crossing the Wide Forever

By Missouri Vaun

Cody Walsh leaves Arkansas for California. Lured by stories of opportunity, even for women, Cody disguises herself as a man and prepares for the arduous journey west. 

Lillie Ellis leaves New York to accept a post as a schoolteacher on the frontier near a small homestead she just inherited from her uncle. Lillie’s ultimate desire is to become a painter, and she hopes the Kansas frontier will offer her the freedom to follow that dream. In the nineteenth century, a young woman has few options in the East that don’t revolve around marriage and motherhood. Lillie is interested in neither. 

Cody rescues Lillie after a chance encounter in Independence, Missouri. Their destinies and desires become entwined as they face the perils of the untamed West. Despite their differences, they discover that love’s uncharted frontier is not for the weak in spirit or the faint of heart.


"Crossing the Wide Forever is a near-heroic love story set in an epic time, told with almost lyrical prose. Words on the page will carry the reader, along with the main characters, back into history and into adventure. It’s a tale that’s easy to read, with enchanting main characters, despicable villains, and supportive friendships, producing a fascinating account of passion and adventure." –Lambda Literary Review

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Phoenix Rising

By Rebecca Harwell

The Storm's Quarry Series | Book 2
Other Worlds

The Iron Phoenix, the masked vigilante of Storm’s Quarry, has not been seen since the solstice and the tragedy it brought. Haunted by nightmares and striving for control over her powers, Nadya Gabori watches from afar as the city struggles to heal, and Kesali, the woman she loves, works to rebuild their dream of peace. 

A new masked figure has arrived in Storm’s Quarry, the Shadow Dragon, one who can conjure blades of light. Nadya feels a powerful connection to her and begins to question if Kesali is the future she wants. When the neighboring Kingdom of Wintercress takes advantage of the city’s weakness, it will take the strength of both young women to defend Storm’s Quarry against invasion and save everyone they hold dear.


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By Missouri Vaun


When her spies bring news that a swordswoman imprisoned in a neighboring kingdom bears the Royal mark, Princess Kathryn sets out to rescue Aiden, the woman she’s sure is the true heir to the Belstaff throne and the solution to a tyrant’s campaign to overrun her small queendom of Olmstead.

That solution, however, is more of a problem. Too footloose for responsibility and distrustful of Kathryn’s selfless moral code, Aiden is a resistant heir. Her only interests are freedom and adventure. Despite their differences, Kathryn and Aiden discover common ground and a growing attraction as they set out on their mission to defeat the ruthless rogue ruler of Belstaff.

The true test lies ahead, when they find they must free their hearts to finally liberate their queendoms.

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By Gun Brooke

Exodus | Book Three
Age Gap
Women in Uniform
Space Opera
Virgins/First Love
Other Worlds

The Oconodian ship Pathfinder and its two million souls, forges on toward their new homeworld. President Thea Tylio carries the ultimate responsibility for their success. Newly divorced, she buries herself in her work. 

Thea keeps Caya Lindemay, a young changer in protective custody. Caya loathes her luxurious prison, but still helps the president whenever her clairvoyant visions are of use. As the two women acknowledge the growing romantic tension between them, Caya lives on the hope Thea will finally set her free. 

As a catastrophe of devastating proportions approaches Pathfinder, Caya risks everything to help the woman she loves and their people. If she fails, it may mean the end of the Exodus mission and potential annihilation.

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Widows of the Sun-Moon

By Barbara Ann Wright

A Godfall Novel | Book 2
Other Worlds
People of Color
Space Opera

Naos is bored. Alone in space, life should be idyllic. No more random thoughts intruding on her brain; no bodies clogging her senses. But what is there to do besides stare at the planet below and wonder what it would feel like to be Calamity’s only god?

War between the other gods shouldn’t be too hard to start. The Storm Lord has a bad temper, and after being abandoned by Simon Lazlo, source of immortality, he’s easy to provoke. And the Sun-Moon live closely with Calamity’s plains-dwelling people and their new neighbors, a pack of humans and aliens led by the intriguing ex-soldier Cordelia Ross. With a plague ravaging their numbers, it will be easy to set them at each other’s throats.

A little war, a bit of death, and the chance to be Calamity’s only deity? It’s a game to keep even the most fickle goddess entertained.

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Cross Purposes

By Gina L. Dartt

Women in Uniform
Small Town Romances
Friends to Lovers Romance
Second Chance at Love
Blue Collar
Federal Agents
Police / Cops
Amateur Sleuths

Grieving widow Lana Mills pulls American Michelle Devereaux from the raging floodwater of the Kennetcook River, and immediately becomes entangled in Michelle’s pursuit of a lost Acadian treasure. Following the clues from one historical Acadian settlement to the next, they search for a golden cross bequeathed to an Acadian priest by France’s King Louis XV.

But dangerous men are also on the hunt for the cross and for Michelle. Canadian Mountie Emily Stone has been patiently waiting for Lana to be open to the possibility of love once more, but perhaps she’s waited too long. Now she must find and help them before Lana not only loses her heart to Michelle and her obsession, but possibly her life as well.

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Valley of Fire

By Missouri Vaun

Return to Earth Series | Book 3

Ava Wynne wants to start fresh, in a place where nothing reminds her of her failed relationships in Easton. Once awarded a transfer she is paired with a beautiful co-pilot she doesn’t really like. After two cross-continent cargo flights, Ava and her co-pilot are assigned to fly a member of the ruling elite to the cloud city of Miami. The last thing Ava wants is to fly an air taxi for some spoiled member of the Chancellor’s family. But Ava will have bigger problems than her dislike for the ruling elite. A member of the “Return To Earth” insurgency forces their cruiser to crash-land in the desert region of North America. Held captive in this barren outpost, Ava and her privileged, yet captivating, passenger begin to discover things about each other and themselves that will change them both forever.

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Believing in Blue

By Maggie Morton

Friends to Lovers Romance
People of Color
Virgins/First Love
Other Worlds
Coming Out

Wren received something for her eighteenth birthday that she was fairly sure was one of a kind: sky-blue wings. But along with those wings comes the knowledge that her father had a surprisingly practical reason for abandoning her when she was eight. In his letter to her, delivered via talking raven, she learns that it’s up to her to save billions of humans and Winged Blue from a threat that’s on the horizon and closing in fast. She is to travel to the world of the Winged Blue thirteen days after her birthday, and before she leaves, an attractive winged young woman named Sia will be teaching her how to fly. Wren has to hope that her world’s prophecy is right, and that she is up for something even more challenging than growing up gay in a small town: saving two entire worlds from the Winged Red.



Morton has an interesting set up...a quick, light read....

The future doesn’t seem to hold much for Wren, until a letter from the father she hasn’t seen in years arrives on her 18th birthday ... along with a set of wings. Wren is destined to save her people, the Winged Blue, along with humans, but first she needs to learn to fly. Her teacher Sia is positive Wren will learn to soar in time. As the women spend more time together, their unspoken feelings for each other grow harder to ignore.

RT Book Reviews


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Just Enough Light

By AJ Quinn

Small Town Romances

Kellen Ryan has taken the survival skills she learned on the streets and used them to create an elite search-and-rescue operation, as well as the first home she’s known in forever—a sanctuary in Haven, Colorado, high in the Rockies. 

A small mountain town was the last place Harvard-educated Dr. Dana Kingston expected to find herself. Still, when she’s offered an opportunity to partner with Kellen’s operation and develop a medical triage center, Dana follows her heart.

Dana falls hard and fast for the enigmatic Kellen. But she quickly realizes Kellen’s heart is as carefully guarded as her past, and breaking through will take time. Except time is the one thing they may not have, because a deadly threat has returned, and this time he plans to finish what he started.

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