Triad Magic

By 'Nathan Burgoine

Big City
International Setting
Triad Blood Trilogy | Book 3

The law of three is everything: three vampires for a coterie, three demons for a pack, and three wizards for a coven. Those alone or in pairs are vulnerable to the rest. Luc, Anders, and Curtis—vampire, demon, and wizard—sidestepped tradition by binding themselves together.

Someone is killing those with the gift of prescience and prophecy, a feat that shouldn’t be possible given the victims should all sense the danger at hand. The three try to catch the killer, but how do you outwit someone killing those who see the future?

As more psychics turn up dead, new demons move into Ottawa, the magical Families close ranks, and a rebellion is sparked. Luc, Anders, and Curtis must stop a plan set into motion decades ago by one of the strongest and most dangerous supernatural powers ever to exist in Ottawa.

They already used the power of blood, soul, and magic to kill him once.

Now they have to stop his future from coming to pass.

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Accidental Prophet

By Bud Gundy

International Setting
People of Color

Intelligent, handsome, and struggling to make his rent, thirty-year-old Drew Morten loses his only meaningful relationship when his grandmother dies. A famous television anchor, Claudia Trenton leaves Drew the legacy of her secret memoir. From the fate of a vanished medieval prince to a top-secret NASA study about a mystifying space object, her unreported discoveries hum with wonder. 

But history merges with the present and upends Drew’s life when he has a terrifying revelation. Teaming up with a brilliant woman who receives the same vision and a handsome man whose arrival is either fortuitous or sinister, Drew follows the clues in his grandmother’s memoir and races against time to save the world from an apocalyptic nightmare about to be unleashed in downtown San Francisco.

As catastrophe looms, so does the question: Who, or what, is the real enemy?

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By Christian Baines

New OrleansĀ 

Kyle, a young newcomer to New Orleans, is haunted by the memory of his first lover, brutally murdered just outside the French Quarter. 

Marc, a young Quarter hustler, is haunted by an eccentric spirit that shares his dreams, and by the handsome but vicious lover who shares his bed. 

When the barrier between these men comes down, it will prove thinner than the veil between the living and the dead…or between justice and revenge.

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Triad Soul

By 'Nathan Burgoine

International Setting
Big City
Triad Blood Trilogy | Book 2

The law of three is everything: three vampires for a coterie, three demons for a pack, and three wizards for a coven. Those alone or in pairs are vulnerable to the rest. Luc, Anders, and Curtis—vampire, demon, and wizard—sidestepped tradition by binding themselves together.

When something starts brutally killing demons in Ottawa, the three find themselves once again moving among the powers who rule the city from the shadows—this time working with them to try to stop the killings before chaos and blood rule the streets.

Hunting a killer who seems to leave no trace behind, the triad are forced to work with allies they don’t dare trust, powers they barely understand, and for the good of those they already know to be corrupt.

They have the power of blood, soul, and magic. But they have to survive to keep it.

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The Orchard of Flesh

By Christian Baines

International Setting
Big City

Reylan’s last assignment for The Arcadia Trust brought a rebellious human servant under his roof, and a volatile werewolf lover named Jorgas into his bed, leaving the self-reliant Blood Shade—known to the outside world as vampires—in no hurry to risk his immortality for them again. 

But when a new terror starts disappearing humans from a bad part of town, Reylan must do everything in his power to keep Sydney’s supernatural factions from the brink of war. Having an ambitious, meddlesome human in the mix is only going to make things worse…especially when that human is Jorgas’s father.
Reylan will need all his determination and cunning to keep the peace under his roof, between the night’s power brokers, and in his lover’s troubled heart.
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By 'Nathan Burgoine

During the full moon, the vampires gather to renew their bonds. It takes three, and those in groups have total power over those who aren’t. For Luc, alone since he was created, the full moon is his only opportunity. 


Seeking blood to satiate him for the month ahead, Luc finds a rival instead: Anders, a demon just as alone, who’s also on the hunt. 


They choose the same prey: Curtis, a handsome young man resistant to their supernatural charms. When neither a vampire’s glamour nor demon’s passion work on him, it becomes clear their only chance of success lies in the unthinkable: working together. 

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Triad Blood

By 'Nathan Burgoine

International Setting
Big City
Triad Blood Trilogy | Book 1

The law of three is unbroken: three vampires form a coterie, three demons make a pack, and three wizards are a coven. That is how it has always been, and how it was always to be.

But Luc, Anders, and Curtis—vampire, demon, and wizard—have cheated tradition. Their bond is not coterie, pack, or coven, but something else. Thrust into the supernatural politics ruling Ottawa from behind the shadows, they face Renard, a powerful vampire who harbors deadly secrets of his own and wishes to end their threat. The enemy they know conjures fire and death at every turn. The enemies they don’t know are worse.

Blood, soul, and magic gave them freedom. Now they need to survive it.

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Night Sweats

By Tom Cardamone

Other Worlds
New York City

Set in Japan, small town America, midnight Manhattan, ancient Greece and Rome, and beyond, these stories run the gamut of urban nightmare, gay love lost and found, dragons, super villains, a fairy addicted to meth, and Satan on the subway. Readers of Night Sweats will find tales that push boundaries while supplying ample scares, erotic thrills, much wonderment, and some woe.

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By Rosalie Tarr

Alec Whitehall is old-fashioned—literally. Approaching his 123rd birthday, the steely vampire has nothing better to do with his time except to investigate and hunt murderous vampires as a means of regaining some sense of his withering humanity. While trailing his current case in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the last thing that Alec expects to find is his bonded matean unwelcome distraction, he's sure of it. But that's exactly what happens, and he's shocked to realize that his mate is a young attractive man named Aidan Copperfield.

How do two straight men deny an attraction that they have absolutely no power over? As their stony resolve begins to crumble and they start to succumb to the fiery magnetism between them, a sadistic killer continues to roam the city streets at night, narrowing his sights on the newly bonded couple.

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By 'Nathan Burgoine

Big City
Holidays |
International Setting

Kieran Quinn is a bit telepathic, a little psychokinetic, and very gay—three things that have gotten him through life perfectly well so far—but when self-styled prophet Wyatt Jackson arrives during Pride Week, things take a violent turn.

Kieran's powers are somewhat underwhelming but do have a habit of refracting light into spectacular rainbows for him to hide behind. Even so, it's not long before Kieran is struggling to maintain his own anonymity while battling wits with a handsome cop, getting some flirting in with a hunky leather man, saving some drag queens, and escaping the worst blind date in history. It's enough to make a fledgling hero want to give up before he even begins.

One thing's for sure: saving the day has never been so fabulous.

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Tricks of the Trade

By Jerry L. Wheeler

Magicians are undeniably sexy--strong, sensuous, masterful, and magical. Who wouldn't want to succumb to one? Be levitated? Be sawed in half?

Imagine being called from the audience by a dark man in a dark suit, his cape swirling like a scarlet-lined dream, wrapping his strong arms around you while binding your wrists, his heady cologne enticing and arousing you in front of a theater full of people as he leans in close and whispers some last-minute instruction. Or invitation. He holds out a box carved with ancient symbols and asks you to put your hands inside. What you feel is soft at first, but grows harder. Then, it vanishes. Was it real? Illusion? All you know is that you want to reach inside again. And again.

Well, here's your next chance--fifteen of them, to be exact--to grab the object of your desire. But hold on fast or it might disappear...

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Raising Hell

By Todd Gregory

Demons are of course nothing more than fallen angels. And before the fall, Lucifer Morningstar was the most beautiful of the angels, and the most beloved of God. Over the millennia, demons have gotten a bad rap in every mythology and in every culture. Tempting humans into sin and into evil—but what is sin? What is evil? And good wouldn't be possible without evil. The editor of Wings: Subversive Angel Erotica proudly presents the flip side—hot, erotic tales of sex with demons that not only will arouse your nether regions but will also stimulate your intellect.

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Night Shadows

By Greg Herren and Others

What scares you the most? An impressive lineup of the biggest names in gay and lesbian publishing come together to share tales of things that go bump in the night, murder and revenge most foul, and dark creatures that will haunt your dreams, while putting a decidedly queer twist on the literary horror genre. Edited by award-winning authors Greg Herren and J. M. Redmann, the stories in Night Shadows are masterfully told, disturbing tales of psychological terror that will continue to resonate with readers long after they finish reading these delightfully wicked stories. Don't read these stygian tales when you're alone—or without every light in the house burning!

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