Primal Hunt

Primal Hunt
By L.L. Raand

When power struggles between the Queen of Faerie, those who seek to usurp her throne, and a deposed Vampire Queen threaten to spill into the Human realm—and that of the Weres and Vampires—wolf Alpha Sylvan Mir calls for a War Council. A coalition is forged between Liege Jody Gates’s Vampires, the Snowcrest wolf Weres, the mountain cat Weres, and Sylvan’s Timberwolves to take the battle to the enemy in Faerie. But before war can be waged, another alliance is needed—the wolf Weres must agree to provide blood for their Vampire comrades once inside Faerie.

Anya, a young wolf warrior, finds herself paired with Rafe, one of the most powerful Vampires in the Americas, in an erotic union of blood and sex that ignites her primal instincts in a way she never imagined.

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Release Date  
Words   73,000
Pages   240
ISBN-13  978-1-63679-561-4
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